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Simple diary instructions

Seeing 7 day view for a specific team member
Hide all but one team member
Hide a team member from the diary
Changing the lengths of booking slots available
View your diary a full week at a time
Make your diary show in high contrast
Hiding or showing bookings which are cancelled
Hiding or showing bookings which are a No Show
Managing your bookings overlapping or going out of working hours
Navigating around the diary
Team member column showing when not scheduled
Missing team member column in the diary
Change your diary column order
Adding a break
Returning to day view from week view
Week view for multiple team members
Editing a rota from the diary
Making a booking
Making a multipart booking
Editing a booking's duration
Editing a booking's service
Editing a booking's date
Editing a service's start time
Editing a booking's start time
Editing the client on a booking
Editing the processing time on a booking
What is processing time?
See the receipt for a paid booking
Searching your bookings
Quick view: see a booking's price
Quick view: previous and future appointment
View the bills associated with a booking
View consultation answers on an associated booking
Adding a consultation to a booking
Adding professional stock use to a booking
Quick access: going to a client's profile from their booking
Editing a client's notes from their booking
Printing client notes from their booking
Adding notes for a client from their booking
View clients' notes from booking
Rebooking an appointment
Marking a booking as cancelled
Marking a booking as a no show
Marking a booking in salon
Repeating bookings
What is in the booking panel?
Adding a booking tag
Edit the team member on a booking
Quick edit bookings with drag and drop